Quality Assurance

At Independent Express we pride ourselves on our quality service. We believe that having the ISO 9001 accreditation is a fundamental tool to ensure we meet international standards of quality.

Independent has been an ISO company since 1993 and in 2007 our distribution network TPN was awarded the same quality mark. We then worked to extend the ISO 9001 standard to each and every member of our distribution network.

Other attributes that mark us out as a true quality-oriented service provider are as follows:

We have an internal auditor reviewing and monitoring all the important procedures in both Independent and TPN.
We have key performance measures for the main service deliverables – On-time delivery, POD completeness and Scanning performance.
We operate a 32 CCTV camera system in our central hub to monitor customers’ freight.
We review network members performance at quarterly meetings where we resolve outstanding issues and reward service excellence.
We constantly strive to improve the quality of our service in order to give our customers the confidence that their freight will be delivered intact, on time, every time.

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